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make circle resizeable and could to be ruled. In this softwares there is more potential that it seems for the first look. Make the ability to control more desktop.

make circle resizeable and could to be ruled. In this softwares there is more potential that it seems for the first look. Make the ability to control more desktop with more circle in each other desktop. Make automatic wallpaper setter and time reminder. Make a free lite version with less advantage and a pro version for more price than 19.99. (~ 34-39 ) make a widget manager too soo the program could be an ultimate desktop manager to be. Make also different icon suits to be download and call competition or a forum where member could design icons and then to share with others. Could tobe called the software suit something like the Ultimate XUS Desktop Manager Suit and the Lite XUS Desktop Manager Suit for example.

Nandor , 05.03.2011, 17:10
Idea status: under consideration


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